1 Brake Service & Replacement found near Wasilla, AK

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Valley Auto Body

Wasilla | Auto Repair Shops

Valley Auto Body is a top-tier collision repair shop located in Wasilla, AK. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional services for all your collision repair needs, ensuring your vehicle is restored to its original condi...

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Showing 1-1 of 1 Results

Signs Your Car Needs Brake Service: What to Watch Out For

Your car's brakes are one of the most important safety features, and ensuring they are in good condition is crucial for your safety on the road. However, many drivers may not know when it's time to schedule brake service. Below we'll explore the signs that your car needs brake service and what you should watch out for.

Squeaking or Grinding Noise

One of the most common signs that your brakes need service is a squeaking or grinding noise when you apply the brakes. This can be caused by worn brake pads or shoes, which can cause damage to your rotors or drums if not addressed promptly.

Soft or Spongy Brake Pedal

If your brake pedal feels soft or spongy when you apply the brakes, it may indicate a problem with your brake fluid or hydraulic system. This can be caused by leaks, air bubbles in the system, or worn brake pads.

Vibrations or Shaking

If you feel vibrations or shaking when you apply the brakes, it may indicate warped or damaged brake rotors. This can affect the effectiveness of your brakes and can cause uneven wear on your brake pads.

Warning Light

Most modern cars are equipped with a dashboard warning light that illuminates when there is an issue with your brakes. If this light comes on, it's important to schedule brake service as soon as possible to avoid further damage or safety issues.

Longer Stopping Distance

If your car takes longer to come to a stop than usual, it may indicate a problem with your brakes. This can be caused by worn brake pads or shoes, low brake fluid levels, or other issues.

Keeping your brakes in good condition is crucial for your safety on the road. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to schedule brake service as soon as possible to avoid further damage or safety issues. When choosing an auto repair shop for your brake service, look for one with experienced technicians, high-quality parts, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

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